Likwid Fiyah

DJ Likwid

MC Fiyah


Save tha Last Dance

Ra Ta Ta Ta Pics


Joints of the Month

L.F. Store

Past Events of 2003...
Jan. 18 --- Ra Ta Ta Ta @ Club Paradise

Feb. 28 --- Mardi Gras 2k3 @ Club Heat

Mar. 22 --- PASS' 1st Annual DJ Battle judge

Apr. 5 --- Glow @ Coscarelli's Sports Bar

Apr. 12 --- Crush (WSU ISA culture show afterset) feat. Obie Trice @ Club Bleu

Apr. 26 --- Save Tha Last Dance @ Coscarelli's Sports Bar
Upcoming Events of 2003...
Keep it Locked with L.F. for your Latest Party News...

Save Tha Last Dance Pics Now Up!!!
Thanx to everyone who supported SLD and made it a success

Hit us up via E-mail